
Uphill Nutrition Project

matoke matoke

In the middle of 2018, a young pupil at Uphill fell and broke his leg, a childhood accident. While he was being treated for…

Meeting Needs’ Latrine

latrine block for girls latrine block for girls

As we all know, you can never have too many toilets in a school!  Thanks to a generous grant from the charity Meeting Needs,…

Uphill is building again!

excavating latrine block excavating latrine block

As The Uphill Trust approaches it’s 4th birthday we are delighted to be starting another year of building at Uphill Junior School. Thanks to…

Legacy of Light

power for education power for education

Something we take for granted  – electric light – is a making a huge difference to the  pupils at Uphill Junior School. Thanks to…

Soap and Hand Washing

regular handwashing regular handwashing

Did you know that only 0.05% of Ugandan rural school children have access to hand washing facilities? This means that over 99 % of…

Accidents will happen

broken leg but no cast broken leg but no cast

Wherever there are children with high spirits and the joy of rising to the challenge, occasional accidents will happen. In this young boy’s case,…

Clean Water for Uphill

water filters for Uphill water filters for Uphill

Clean water is essential for good health, everywhere in the world, but this can be difficult to achieve at times. When we first became…

Power for Education

Power for Education Power for Education

We were very excited to receive these photos from School Director Elius in early June – Uphill Junior School now has electricity! Power for…

Uphill on the road

school boda boda school boda boda

When you think of school transport you probably think of a white minibus, or one of those yellow American school buses, and Uphill Junior…

Low Tech, High Fun

Uphill children learn simple games Uphill children learn simple games

Sometimes it’s the simple things that bring the greatest rewards. As there is no electrical power at Uphill (yet) and it was the rainy…

Congratulations Mr & Mrs Director!

cutting the cake cutting the cake

On Sunday 25 March 2018 Elius Muhimbisemarried his lovely bride  Shalot Tushabe in St Peter’s Church, Iruhuura. Their gorgeous daughter Sandra celebrated the day…

School Nurse for Uphill

days for girls kits days for girls kits

All private schools in Uganda are expected to have at least one health care provider on site to attend to the first aid needs…

McNabb Classroom Block is Finished!

classroom-block classroom-block

The new McNabb classroom block was completed in August 2016, just in time for the beginning of the final term of the school year….

A playground for Kindergarten

kindergarten-playground kindergarten-playground

Finally, we have a playground for Kindergarten! We don’t yet have permanent buildings for the Uphill Kindergarten but, after much deliberation, we decided that…

Working towards a School Licence

school-site-plans school-site-plans

In 2017 a large amount of  school and trustee effort was directed towards liaising with officials from the Ministry of Education and various local…

New Home for Uphill

uphill land site 1 uphill land site 1

When the Uphill Trust came into being, Uphill Junior School comprised a wooden building on a rented site in the centre of Iruhuura Trading…

Security Fence for Uphill

school gate school gate

During the first part of 2016, when the McNabb Classroom Block was under construction, it became clear that a good quality security fence was…

Where is Uphill Junior School?

uphill-school-sign uphill-school-sign

Uphill Junior School is located in the village of Iruhuura, in the crater lake hills 35km south of the town of Fort Portal in western Uganda…