Help a Child
Uphill is dedicated to giving the children in its community the best possible start – in a country struggling to educate its fast-growing population.
Uganda has one of the youngest populations in the world, with 78% of people under the age of 40. Unicef estimates that only 40% of children are literate at the end of primary school. Only 1 in 4 children make it to secondary school, as it is often beyond the means of rural families.
The school we support serves a poor rural area in western Uganda, where many of the children live on shambas (smallholdings that produce food for the family only). Money is in short supply and families often choose to send their sons to school and keep their daughters at home.
We are proud that girls make up half of the pupils at Uphill.
Education for all, no matter their circumstances, is at the core of the Uphill ethos.